Tax ID Code No.: B-17471079
Commercial Registry of Girona, Volume 909, Folio 95, Sheet GI-16852.
Veïnat Les Serres, 64
Tel. (+34) 972 46 01 45 – Fax (+34) 972 46 33 32
Pursuant to the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society and E-Commerce Services and other complementary legislation, we inform you that this website is the property of PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L., in representation of PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L., with registered offices at Cassà de la Selva, Veïnat Les Serres, 64, and with Corporate Tax ID No. B-17471079, which is registered in the Commercial Registry of Girona, Volume 909, Folio 95, Sheet GI-16852. For any queries or suggestions, please contact us at the email address or by calling (+34) 972 46 01 45.
Access to our website by users is free of charge although it is subject to having read and fully accepted, expressly and unreservedly, the GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE in force at the moment of access, which we request that users read carefully. Users who do not accept the present conditions of use should abstain from using and browsing this website.
Our website provides information regarding PARRAMON EXPORTAP and our services, which are related to cork stoppers and their manufacture.
We may at any time change the presentation or structure of our website and even take it offline, as well as change the services and content offered, unilaterally and without prior warning. The present conditions of use are governed exclusively by Spanish regulations, to which both national and foreign users shall be subject.
All the content, texts and images contained on our website are the property of PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights. They are only for private use and users will require the express authorisation of PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or, especially, market them, or to make use of any right pertaining to their owner. If you consider that the present webpage infringes any intellectual or industrial property right or any other right, please inform us so that we may remedy the situation.
Access to our website is free of charge and requires no prior registration or subscription. Users must access our website in good faith, in accordance with the rules of public order, the present General Conditions of Use and, in this case, any applicable specific conditions of use. Our website is accessed under the sole responsibility of the user, who will at all times be responsible for any damage they may cause to third parties or to us.
Users are expressly prohibited from using the content offered on the present website for purposes other than those stipulated in the present Conditions of Use and, in this case, in the specific conditions that regulate the acquisition of certain services.
Considering the impossibility of controlling the information, content and services contained on other websites that may be accessed through the links, banners, icons, search engines, etc. that our website offers, we inform you that PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. is exempt from any responsibility for damages of any nature that may arise from the use of these websites that do not belong to our company, for which reason we recommend that you read the legal notices of all the websites that you visit.
The introduction of hyperlinks that allow users to access our website onto websites not belonging to our company without the prior consent of PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L is expressly prohibited. In any case, the existence of hyperlinks on websites not belonging to our company will, under no circumstances, imply the existence of commercial or trade relations with the owner of the website that contains the hyperlink or of the acceptance by PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. of its content or services.
PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. informs you that on this website, in order to provide you with information regarding our products, we request personal details that will be processed and added to our files. However, we inform you that all data will be processed in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, on Personal Data Protection, and that our files are legally registered in the General Personal Data Registry.
As the entity responsible for its corresponding files, PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. considers that when you accept to send your personal data through the forms contained on this website or by email, you give your express authorisation and consent for us to process said data and add it to our files, although this is revocable and non-retroactive, and that you accept the processing conditions set out below.
The data we request are those which are appropriate, pertinent and strictly necessary for the purpose for which they are collected, and under no circumstances are you obliged to provide them; however, they are absolutely necessary for providing the services we offer.
If you require any additional information or clarification or if you have any queries, please contact us at our EMAIL ADDRESS.
If you include personal data in your email, you authorise us to add said personal data to our files, which are subject to current privacy regulations.
PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. informs you that your data will be handled confidentially and used only internally for the purposes indicated, and that we shall not therefore transfer or communicate them to third parties, unless you give your express authorisation for us do to so in those cases stipulated by law. This website does not use cookies or other means of gathering information on our users’ browsing habits.
In response to the trust placed in us and bearing in mind the importance of personal data protection and confidentiality, PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L., informs you that it has adopted all the technical and organisational measures needed to ensure the security of said data, in accordance with the Royal Decree on the regulation of security measures for computer files containing personal data. However, users should be aware that internet security measures are not impregnable.
PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. may modify the present privacy policy to adopt it to new legal or legislative measures regarding personal data, for which reason we request that you read it each time you provide us with your personal data over the internet.
PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. is not liable for the processing of your personal data by the websites you may access through the different links contained within our website.
By placing this website at the disposal of our users, we wish to offer them a series of quality content, applying the utmost diligence in the presentation thereof and in the technological resources used. However, we shall take no responsibility for the presence of viruses or other elements that may somehow damage users’ computers, documents or files.
PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or validity of the content of this website, whether said content is its own or belongs to third parties or linked websites, and is fully exempt from any responsibility related to its use.
PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. does not guarantee the correct, uninterrupted availability of its website. As far as possible, we shall endeavour to inform users of any interruption to the service and remedy it as soon as possible. However, PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. is exempt from any responsibility resulting from the incorrect functioning or interrupted availability of its website.
Users assume full responsibility for their use of our website and are solely responsible for any direct or indirect consequences derived from it, including but not limited to all adverse economic, technological and/or legal consequences as well as the non-fulfilment of the expectations generated by our website, and are obliged to exempt PARRAMON EXPORTAP, S. L. from any claim resulting directly or indirectly from such circumstances.
Pursuant to article 21 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society and E-Commerce Services, which prohibits the sending of commercial communications via email that have not been previously authorised by the addressee, we inform you that by accepting the present conditions of use, you expressly give us your revocable authorisation to send you emails containing sales promotions, advertising and other information to the address with which you provide us and to use this address as a means of communicating with you.
Everything related to our website is subject exclusively to Spanish legislation. In the event of any discrepancy or difference between the parties in relation to the interpretation or content of this website, both parties shall submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the courts of Barcelona, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.
NOTE: The present General Conditions of Use were established on 15 July 2013 and may be modified at any time. We therefore request that you check the date of issue each time you access our website to ensure that no changes have been made which may affect you.